Wednesday, September 29, 2010

comment for jessica, but also kind of an update

So I've read all your blog entries so far and am still enjoying them. The Citizen's looks SOOO nice! and I LOVE your Tiffany necklace! I can't wait for wedding stuff also. : ) To answer your question from facebook, I've been kind of negligent on my blogging. My food blog ( has been vacant for some time. I stopped my dieting. At this point I think I've gained like 3-4lbs from it, but it could be the way my body is normally changing at this point. I don't know. I don't complain too much these days because people just tell me to shut up. I have been taking pilates at school though. It's tues/thurs from 10:30-11:50am. I've skipped two times though >.< but I really like it. My teacher mixes it up some and incorporates some yoga and some other work out moves to work the obliques and the quads and back and abs and I really feel it afterwards. Here's a simple thing you can do that was taught from my class: Imagine that your belly button really was a button on the inside and your spine has a little spot for that to be button. So you're always trying to get that little button to the button hole. I like to imagine mine that I have a string attached to the back of my belly button and i'm trying to wrap that string as tight as i can get it around a button on my spine. Either way works. You're constantly enganging your core muscles if you're "buttoning your navel". Helps work those muscles. As my teacher says, we all have those muscles, some of us just have some more padding around them. haha. Helps with posture too. (which I'm really bad at). I'm also really bad at carrying around large amount of stress, so that's probably not helping my cortisol levels. It's something I need to work on. I have been trying to blog at, but it's a here and there thing. I might make it private with inviting people to be able to read it. I'm really broke right now, so it's hard for me to buy (healthy) food (i do try and grab some fruit when I can) and I wish that I had money so that we could go out and maybe even sign up for some exercise thing together, but I go to school 4 days a week and work 5-6 days a week and only really have free time on sun mornings and (sometimes) wednesday evenings and thursday evenings. And I generally try to spend at least one of those evenings with Kevin. I know it's 'excuses' but it makes it really hard when you have little time and very little money. Anyway, now that I've been ranting. I have to go take a math exam at school in Folsom. I'll see you at Renee's baby shower, if not before then! Ciao bella!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Right now, I'm on a food blog hiatus. Really, I got way too stressed out with the end of school and I stopped "dieting". Well, now it's the start of school next week and I weigh my heaviest. Currently I weigh about 134-135lbs. Maybe I'll start back up on my food blogging soon. Right now I'm blogging over at Check me out over there for now, but don't forget to look back here every now and then to see if I'm back up and running. Ciao for now!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

end of school

I've decided to take a week off of blogging (and calorie counting). I hit the 128.5lb mark on the scale but will probably gain the 3lbs back. Very stressful week with the end of school and I had mother's day weekend at work. terribly bad for diets. I'll see you guys in a few days. Sorry for the lag.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Sorry for the late updates again. I haven't really been feeling well lately and have been pretty stressed.


started off my day with a naked juice. MMM for 240 calories.

then I made pancakes. I wanted to make surpreme style, but didn't have baking powder. Definitely on my shopping list. The whole mix recipe on the box was about 1326 calories, but we only used like half the mix. and Then I only had half of those pancakes. So I had a total of about 290 calories, because I had 3 1/2 pancakes.


Had a sloppy joe for lunch (353cal). I had previously frozen my sloppy joe mix and defrosted it. It was still really yummy.


Heirloom tomato salad sans cheese and croutons. I don't know I'd estimate this salad to be only like 150-200calories.

chicken, potatoes, broccollini, carrots. 3 pieces bread.I would say this was probably about 500 calories. It was very tasty.


mini triple D. I was really craving one. This is a half size, so it was about 300calories.

Total calories for the Day: 2006
Almost forgot I had a cup of cranberry juice for about 125cal.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Attack of the Triple D (Saturday)

So today was pretty busy at my first job and sort of slow at my second job. It still made me pretty tired though being on my feet all day pretty much. I did get to spend a little time at my mom's house between my jobs. My mom's puppy is so adorable and I taught him how to sit. It's great.

This is him at like 8-10weeks I believe. I couldn't get him to sit still at all at this point. I think he's closer to 14-16 weeks now.


I had a large red D'anjou pear (about 150cal) and a Naked Juice (240cal). I really love pears and naked juice. I could drink naked juice all day long. I wonder if anyone's done like a naked juice diet...hmm..

Throughout the day I snacked on those two Special K 90cal bars (180 total).


I forgot to take a picture of the sandwich, but I had an turkey sandwich on 9grain wheat w/ lite mayo, onions, lettuce, tomato, olives, pickles and spinach. I ate the whole Subway footlong. The picture above is actually of the oven roasted chicken one I had last week, but it looked pretty similar to that. I'll say it was about 600cal.

While I was at work, I did snack on like 3 pieces of ciabatta bread. It was so tasty and about 150cal.

I forgot to take a picture again, but it was my taglietelle creation w/ the chicken and broccolli, garlic, and EVOO and I think maybe some parsley. I only ate half of it though, so it was about 225cal.


I called this one the "Decadent Diet Destroyer" because this tuxedo hot chocolate packs a LOT of calories. Just the cocoa part is 490calories. Then it's topped off with whipped cream which is cream and vanilla syrup whipped together. so all in all I would say it was about 600calories. It was so delish though!!

Total Calories for the Day: 2145
Well, I went over my calorie range for the day, but oh well. I need to start packing lunches, stay away from the "Triple D" and start eating breakfast. My coworker told me that if you skip breakfast, you actually end up getting fatter because all the food you eat later is just getting stored because you didn't warm up your metabolism in the beg of the day with breakfast. so lame. anyway, I'm SUPER SUPER tired, so I'm going to go to bed now. I have a few errands to run in the morning and I need to watch ANTM! Ciao!

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Sorry this post is a day late. I was really tired last night and actually really tired tonite and dont want to do two posts, but I have to. They might be a little short winded though. So I apologize in advance if they're a little dry.


Breakfast was pretty much a Guava rockstar (280cal). I can't remember, but I might have had a 90cal bar. Work was pretty busy so I didn't get to eat my lunch until late.


For lunch I had bought a ceasar salad w/ chicken from McD's. It would have been a total of 305 calories w/ the dressing, but I ate at MOST like half my salad. So only about 152calories. I had to go to work right after that so I was pretty bummed out that I wasn't too interested in my salad.


For dinner, I had Risotto w/ chicken and asparagus and cherry tomatoes and a sprinkle of parmesan cheese. The risotto is made with veggie stock and salt and pepper. I didn't eat the cherry tomatoes though. I would estimate that my meal was about 800calories. I really couldn't tell you how many calories risotto has though because as I've mentioned before we dont have nutritional info at work.

When I got home I was pretty tired so I dont think I had any snacks. I really cant remember now. I think I might have had a couple pieces of bread at work too though..lemme think hard. I might have, I'll just add on another 100calories.

Total calories: 1422 Another bad day for calories. I really need to start packing lunches at my other job.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

oh, Violet

So this morning was a bit of a rough start for me. I went to bed plenty early and should have got up before I did. I finally got out of bed around 9:45am-ish. Kevin had decided he wanted to sleep in a little bit longer and would be late to class. I tried to wake him up but he was too sleepy. Finally he got up and had a bowl of cereal, but then went back to bed. I attempted to make my breakfast, which for the most part turned out ok.


I tried to hard boil two eggs, but I was being impatient. So, I threw the first one away and decided (after I threw the first one away) that I could just eat the egg whites. I was bummed out about the first one, but oh well. One large hard boiled egg white has about 17cal. I also had half a red d'anjou pear (50cal), strawberry yoplait light cup (100cal) and a 1/2c bowl of oatmeal (150cal) with a 1/2tsp splenda/brown sugar mix (10cal) and 2Tbsp raisins (about 43cal). Total for breakfast: 370cal. It really filled me up too.

By the time I needed to eat, I was running out the door to go to school (about 12:45pm); so I grabbed some on the go food: strawberry banana Naked Juice (240cal), strawberry Special K 90cal bar and the other half of my pear (50cal). Total: 380cal. I was also forgoing lunch because I thought we were going to have dinner at Kevin's family's house after his keyboarding lessons, but I thought wrong.

On the way to keyboarding lessons from school, we were going to stop at Wendy's so Kev could get a cheeseburger, but the car had died. Luckily we got it started again and went to a gas station. We've been having issues with the car starting when it gets hot outside and it's below like 1/2tank of gas. After we filled it up with gas though it didn't want to start. So we waited awhile and finally it turned back on and we decided not to go out to Roseville for keyboarding or to his family and just go straight home. We drove the back streets and I was stressed out the whole time. We made it home though.

While I was making dinner I got a little hungry so I had a Laughing Cow cheese (35cal).


I made chicken, rice and green beans for dinner. I tried to do something new with the chicken by filling a pan with broth and carrots and onions and covering it with foil and baking it for 25 min, but the chicken didn't look right and I wasn't sure if it was cooked all the way. So I decided to saute it to make sure. The first result of that was not good. It smelled like formaldehyde as soon as I put it in the pan, but after putting garlic powder on it and pepper it was much better. The chicken (about 150cal) was a little tough, which is what I was trying to avoid, but at least it was cooked. I had my 1cup of rice (213cal) with a teaspoon of margarine (20cal) and 3/4c green beans (30cal). Total for dinner: 413calories. I could probably even round it down to 400 because my piece of chicken was probably not 4oz.

After dinner I watched Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice. I'd have to say, Private Practice had the better show tonite. At one point, Kevin and the two cats decided to come hang out with me on the couch. Pretty funny as Jasper (the black one) never likes to curl up ON somebody. Next to, yes, but on, no. That's Pogo's job (the grey/white one).

Total Calories for the Day: 1163 calories Pretty low today, but I was kind of stressed and didn't feel like eating much. I also didn't drink much water today. I was feeling my abs being a little sore though! Not a whole lot so I guess I needed to workout a little harder. Eh....we'll see.